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January is #GlaucomaAwarenessMonth, and we’re sharing a new guide for people with glaucoma! Check it out to get important questions you can ask your doctor about #glaucoma

Questions for your doctor

Visiting the doctor can be stressful, especially when you’re dealing with a new diagnosis. It helps to have questions written down ahead of time.

• What type of glaucoma do I have?
• How often do I need to get a checkup for my glaucoma?
• What are my treatment options?
• What will happen if I don’t get treated for my glaucoma?
• How will I know if my treatment is working?
• What are the possible dangers or side effects from treatment?
• Does glaucoma put me at risk for other eye diseases?
• What can I expect for my vision — now and in the future?
• Are there any activities I should avoid?

Get more information & Download this list here.

source: NEI

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